The Times of Friday, March 14th, had a remarkable article
on the Adana massacres of 1909, in which some twenty thousand Armenians and other Eastern Christians lost their lives. The responsibility for these massacres has hitherto been in doubt. But the publication of the suppressed report of Agop Effendi Babikian, the deputy for Rodosto, who had been appointed by the Committee majority to investigate the massacres with Yusuf Kemal, a Turkish deputy, and who died suddenly just after his return, goes far towards settling the question. Not only does he describe the massacres as of unexampled savagery, but he concludes his report by explicitly stating that the chiefs and members of the Committee of Union and Progress at Adana assisted in the organization and perpetration of these horrors, adding that unless they were immediately expelled and punished as they deserved, it would be impossible to refute the accusations brought against the Committee.