22 MARCH 1930, Page 18


This Night as We Expected was an Unpleasant one— The King refused to go to bed & kept up until near 4 o'Clock, when becoming turbulent & violent towards one of his Pages He was forced to his bed. This put Him in great agitation He pulled one of his Pages by the Hair & attempted to kick another. This day his violence did not much subside, & when eontrouled, violent symptoms of resistance appeared. At times He became sullen— He refused his Meals & was very irregular. He eat very little during the day & refused all Medicine, & threw what He could away.

After a very restless Night, the same perturbation of Mind _ .

continued as had appeared during the course of yesterday, & in fair report it must be stated, that since His Majesty has been at Kew the unfavorable Symptoms of his disorder have increased, rather than diminished.'

He became very restless through increasing agitation & confusion of Mind, & so much was He• depressed in thought, that He even gave hints of being tired of his Existence & actually entreated his Pages to dispatch. Him. Nothing could mark in a stronger degree the confirmed & desperate derange- ment of his Mind in these moments, or more fully point out the necessity of unremitting & watchful care to those to whom the security of his Person was now confided. Happily H.M. became more composed & moderate towards the Evening, but He continued restless during the Night.