22 MARCH 1930, page 1

There Is Bound To Be A Time-lag In The Adaptation

of employment to more highly organized industry. More science, not less, is required to make the time-lag as short as possible. The time-lag is not confined to this country. In......

As It Is, The First Result Of The Seriousness Of

the situation is likely to be a battle within the Labour Party. The Left Wing of the Labour Party bluntly refuses to accept Mr. Thomas's reasoning that the only cure for unem-......

Unemployment The Steady Increase Of Unemployment Is...

the Government, who definitely undertook to decrease it, cannot escape from the Nemesis of their words even though those who understand the facts can find excuses for them. The......

News Of The Week

Lord Balfour T HE death .of .Lord Balfour removes the last of the great statesmen who were Ministers under Queen Victoria and the whole nation is mournfully conscious of the......

Editorial And Publishing Offices : 99 Cower Street,...

Subscription to the SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on this......