22 MARCH 1930, Page 37

Some Books of the Week

ArrBurrs to state Christianity in simple and practical terms often fail, either because they evacuate it of all majesty, or because they are composed by writers remote from life. The Rev. E. S. Woods, the Vicar of Croydon, has succeeded wonderfully in this difficult task in A Faith that Works (StUdent Christian Movement, 5s.), showing that Christianity applies to the whole range of human living. He believes that there is a straight way to be found between an illusory otherworldliness and merely materialistic reform. He sees that we cannot contract out of the social order, but he believes that it is possible within it to pursue the ideal of consistent and complete selflessness embodied in Jesus. His examples are stimulating. He insists on beginning at home with wives and husbands, parents and children. But even more interesting is his por- trayal of the close connexion between Christianity and educa- tion, a true internationalism, racial problems and local life. There is not a chapter in this book that does not stimulate thought. His vigorous defence of " Keeping Sunday "—a guarantee against boredom if rightly viewed—is specially valuable. But this leads to more far-reaching realms. Mr. Woods promises another book on the unseen ultimate realities —the life with God, which this volume presupposes. It will be looked forward to by his readers with friendly anticipation. He has made out his claim that Christianity, largely viewed, works. What is needed as a supplement is a statement of what Christianity is, cast in the same mode of actuality.

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