22 MAY 1847, Page 19


On the 10th May,. at Hllthead.House, Pollockshaws, Mrs. Alexander Broadfoot, of a son, who survived entity. days.

en the 13th; at Compton Castle, Somerset, the Lady of George Singer, Esq., of a daughter.

On the 15th, at Huntley- Hall, near Cheadle, the Wife of the Rev. George Slather, of a daughter.

On the 16th, in Eceleston Street, the-Lady of W. D. Christie, Esq., M.P., of adiffighter. On the 16th, in Chesham Place, the Lady of R. J. Eaton; Eat, 34.P., of a daughter. On the 17th; in Stanhope Street, the Hon. Sirs. Edson Wyatt-Edgell, of a son. On the 17th, at Paris. the lion. Mrs...Arthur Kerr, of a daughter.

On the lath, in Queen Square Place, the Lady Sophia Hoare; of a son.

On the lath, at Duddington, Northamptonshire, the Wife of the Rev. Chancellor Azgles, of a eon..

MARRIAGES- On the- 1 lth. May, in Paris, at the Catholic Church of Notre Dame de Lorette, and afterwards at the Protestant Church of the Oratoire, Vicomte Ha= de SHIM= of the chateau de is Baulbene, Toulouse, Haute Garonne, to Flora Flames Rebecca Davison, eldest daughter of-Major-General Davison,. of the county of Northumberland.

On the t trh. at Wandsbeek, in Denmark, the Lord George A. HHI, of Banyan) House, county of Donegal, to Louisa, foutthdaughter of Edward Knight, Esq., of Godmersham Park.

On the 17th, in the Catholic Chapel. Sutton Place, near Guildford, and In St. Nicholas Church, Guildford, Captain Webbe Weston, now in the Thin]. Regiment of Austrian Light Dragoons., to the Right Hon. Lady Horatia Waldegra.ve.

On the 18th, at St. 3farylebone Church, the Rev. Beery ]molten Power, M.A., Incum- bent of Bramby, Surrey, younger son of the lave Lieutenant-General Sir Manley Power, K.C.B., to Sophia Catherine Mary, youngest daughter of the Into Colonel Thornton. of the Grenadier Geards.

On the lath, at Ripley, Yorkshire, Edward Boodle, Esq, of Lincoln's Inn, barrister- at-law, to Julia, eldest daughter of the late Rear-Admiral Sir Robert Barrie. !LAIR. and K.H., of Swarthdale, Lancashire.

On the 18th, at Cowes, Isle of Wight,dohn Maskew, Esq., of Fenny Stratford, Backe, to Julia. Caroline,.youngest daughter of Rear Admiral Betsey.


On the 11th May, at.Woolivich, Major-General Thomas Fyers, Royal Engineers ; in bin 65th year.

On the 11th, at Strathaisd, Isle-of Skye, the Hon. William Macdonald ; in his 30th year.

On the 1 lib, at Faversham,, the Rev. John Burt, D.D., Vicar of that parish ; in his :58th year.

On the 14th, at Torquay, Captain William Evan, of the Eighteenth Regiment of Foot; iu hie 39th year. Deceased was one of the few survivors of the unitortanate Forty-fourth Regiment. which was cut up at Cabot)].; and was one of the captives with Colonel Shelton, the gallant Lady Sale, &c.

On the I lith, of Penntrigten Parsonage, the Rev. Lewis Piaytcrs Iiird„ only surviving son of the late Joshua Hird, On the lOth, drowned, by the upsetting of a boat, at Ballyshannon, Captain Drake, Itiinetysecor.d Highlanders, eldest son of Colonel Drake, of Harley Street.

On the -20th, at. Old, Northamptoushire, Elizabeth Bend Willis, eldest surviving daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walpole Willis ; In her 6th year.

On the 20th, Mary.Anit Lamb, sister of the late Charles Lamb, Author of '• The Es- says of Ella ,• in her Sad year Lately, R at ome, Walter G. Haynes, Esq„ n. amend so of the late Sir Christopher

Baynes. hart., and formerly it Captain In the Coldstream Guards.