Cabinet Councils were held at the Foreign Office on Saturday and on Monday. Referring to the appointment of Lord Clarendon as Viceroy of Ireland, the Morning Chronicle says—" We......
Currency And Banking.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Bryanston Square, 17th May 1847. —I have just seen your paper of the 15th, in which "you suspect" that" when I asked fur free trade in banking, I......
East India Shipping.
The Sir Robert Peel, Champion. from Auckland, (with troops,' was wrecked on the coast of Australia, about thirty miles North of Port Jackson, on the 17th January; all hands......
Epsom Races.
Epsom races began on Tuesday, with fair weather, and good anticipa- tions; though the sport for the first day was not accounted attractive. The habitual frequenters of the turf,......