The principal events of importance have been the reduction of the interest of Exchequer Bills and East India Bonds, noticed hereafter. The English Funds have continued steady ; the range of fluctuation having been about per cent above the quotations of last week. Consols have on more than one occasion touched par. The demand for Three-and-a-quarter per Cent Stock continues, though the price has not advanced beyond that given in our last report-1011. The purchasers of this description of Stock have been large. Markets generally have not been quite so firm today ; and after a reaction of 1 from the highest prices, the closing quotations of Consols are 9n both for Money and Account A notice calling in those Exchequer Bills which arrive at maturity inJune made its appearance on Tuesday. Such bills which now bear an interest of ljd. per diem are to be exchanged for new bills bearing an interest of 11r1. per diem, or 1/. 188. Old. per cent per annum ; whereas that now paid upon the Exchequer Bills issued in March last is 2/. 58. Val. per annum. There is consequently a saving of Ts. 71d. per cent upon afl the bills so exchanged. This measure (which was expected) has not, made the slightest change in the value of these securities. The old bills are to be sent for exchange on or be- fore the 3d June, and the new bills will be issued on the 10th June. The East India Company have also given notice of a reduction in the rate of in- terest upon their Bonds of from 3 to 21 per cent, to take effect from 21st May 1853. Bonds to be sent to be marked for such reduction before the 21st No- vember next.
Money continues as abundant as ever ; the rate of discount being from 11 to 2 per cent. The last Indian mail did not bring the usual accounts from the Australian Colonies ; from whence it is inferred that the rush of emigrants to the gold regions has absorbed all the shipping, and that none could be despatched to Singapore or India. Large exports of sovereigns thither have been made, and are in progress; to which the establishment of a steam communication has given increased facilities. The large profits made by exchanging the coined metal for the rough ore of gold are irresistible incentives to this com- merce. The Australian Banks are participating in the rich harvest, and their shares are in continually increasing demand.
The tone of the Foreign Market has not improved : it is in the same state as last week ; most of the current Stocks being lower, and no disposition for investment apparent. Among the reports of the day, is one of the impend- ing negotiation of an Austrian loan • but this rumour has not acquired suffi- cient importance to call for more than a passing allusion. Of the wants of the would-be borrower there can be no doubt. The Imperial paper money 'Sat a discount of 20 percent; and though the official Journals of Vienna continually report the cancelment of large amounts of bank-notes, the effect er_?duced by these operations upon the exchange is insignificant, the rate °wag nearly as high as ever.
There is no material change in the Railway Share Market ; neither has the current business been of sufficient importance to require remark. Prices generally are within 11. per share of those of la.t week. The French Shares are heavy, with little doing.
SATOICOAT TWELY1 o'Curoa. The report of an Austrian loan gains credit ; the amount is stated to be 6,000,000/. sterling, in five per cent stock, the price 85; and the contractors are said to be Messrs. Rothschild, in conjunction with some of the leading houses at Frankfort. The English Funds are consequently lower ;.,-Comels being 991 1 for Money ancLAccount, and the others proportionally depreesed. The Foreign Funds are heavy in the absence of business. The\sltailway Shares are also lower. Aberdeen, 13; Caledonian, 191; Eastern Oceinties, 81; Eastern Union, B. and C., q ; Great Northern, 20; Ditto, Half A-Stock, ., 6}; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 711 701; London and North-western, 122k 123; Midland, 68 671 • South-eastern, 201; York, Newcastle, and Berwick:\ 171; Ditto Extension, 121; York and North Midland, 231 1.
We were in error in giving the amount of the Austrian loan at 5,000,000/. sterling—the amount is 35,000,000 florins, or, at the present exchange of 12.24, not quite 3,000,000/. sterling. The English Funds improved / per cent in the course of the day ; and, after being at 991, the closing price of Consols both for Money and Account is 991 1. The Foreign Market is with- out material change, the following being the principal bargains recorded— Brazilian, 981 991; Buenos Ayres, 74; Equador, 41; Grenada Deferred, 81; Mexican Five per Cents 311; Ditto Three per Cents, 241 1i a ; Portuguese Five per Cents 1824, 100; Pitto Four per Cents, 361; Russian Four-and-a- half per Cents, 104 ; Sardinian Fire per Cents, 961 97; Spanish Three per Cents, 461; Ditto Deferred, 201 1 8 ; 'Venezuela, 39.1; French Three per Cents, 70; Exchange, 25.50; Belgian Four-and-a-half per Cents, 931 ; Dutch Four per Cents, 921 93.
The Share Market became firmer towards the close of business, and in many cases the quotations of yesterday were realized. The following are the principal transactions—Aberdeen, 13 121 1 ; Caledonian, 191 1 1; East Lancashire, 17 161; Edinburgh and Glasgow, 32; Great Northern, 20 19/ 201; Ditto Half-shares, A Deferred, 61 1 ; Great Western, 911 901 911; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 711 701 11 1 ; Ditto Fifths, 7/ 1 / ; London and North-western, 1221 31123; London and South-western, 921 1 ; Midland,. 68 71 91 + ; Norfolk, 32; North British, 7; North Staffordshire, 101 ; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 19 201; South-eastern, 201 ; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 17/ 1 18 ; 1 itto Extension, 121; Ditto . N. E. Purchase of Preference, 6; York and North Midland, 231 1 1 ; Buck- inghamshire, 181; Leeds and Bradford, 1041; Chester and Holyhead, 181; Great Northern, 5 per Cent, 151; North British, 51; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 15/., 6 per Cent, 131 13; Namur and Liege, ek i 1 ; Northern of France, 22/ / ; Orleans and Bordeaux, 151 1 ; Paris and btran- bourg, 211; Tours and Nantes, 111 1; St. John del Rey, 281; London and Westminster, 291.
3 per Cent Consols 991 ; Dutch 23 per Cents 613. 2 Ditto for Account 99* ; Ditto 4 per Cents 921 3 3 per Cent Reduced Mexican 5 per Cents 1840... 31 3
31 per Cents 90101i Peruvian 6 per Cents
Long Annuities 10 3 Rank Stock 6 11-16 13-16 Portuguese 4 per Cents 1842. 303 7
219 221 Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824. 9191210J
Exchequer Bills India Stock 72 74 pm Russian 5 per Cents 271 273 Ditto 44 per Cents 1083
Brazilian 5 per Cents es 100 Spanish Active 5 per Cents.. —
1 7 Belgian 43 per Cents 93 5 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 4
Chilian 6 per Cents 103 5 Ditto Deferred 3 per Cents 1851 :(6) I
Danish 5 per Cents 104 5 Sardinian Bonds Ditto 3 per Cents 78 80