22 MAY 1852, page 19

The Delaxeres Of Delimere Court. *

TEE most remarkable quality of this novel is style, or the power -of presenting the writer's images and ideas neatly, tersely, and with a quiet but sustained animation. There......

Publications Received.

Booxs. A Treatise on the Methods of Observation and Reasoning in Polities. By George Cornewall Lewis, Esq. In two volumes. _Narrative of the Burmese War, in 1824-26, as......

Military Gazette. Amitrat.ty, May 10.—corps Of Royal...

F. Hawkey to be First Lieut. vice C. Welrige, resigned. WAX-OFFICE, May 21.-3th Regt. of Drag. Guards—Lieut. G. Duckworth to be Capt. by purchase, vice Prime, who retires. 4th......


On the 3d April, at Colombo, Ceylon, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Drought, H.M. Fifteenth Regiment, of a daughter. On the 2c1 May, at Gibraltar, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel......