On the 3d April, at Colombo, Ceylon, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Drought, H.M. Fifteenth Regiment, of a daughter. On the 2c1 May, at Gibraltar, the Wife of Lieutenant-Colonel Hogarth, CS., Twenty-sixth Cameronians, of a son. On the 12th, at Thirlestane, Selkirkshire, the Hon. Mrs. Dalrymple Hay, of a daughter. On the 14th, at tickle House, Fortress, Bess-shire, N.B., the Wife of William Lautour, Esq., of a son. On the 14th, at Brighton, the Lady of Colonel C. Kerneys Trate, M.P., of a daughter.
On the 15th, in Upper Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, the Lady Manners, of a son and heir.
On the 17th, at Eglingham Hall, theWife of Robert Ogle jun., Esq., of a daughter. On the 17th, at Ivy Lodge, Queen's Elm, Mrs. Thomas German Reed, (late Miss Priscilla Horton,) of a daughter. On the 18th, in Eaton Place, the Countess of Galloway, of a daughter. On the 19th, in Berkeley Square, Lady Lindsay, of a daughter.
On the 25th March, at Jullunder, Lieutenant Charles Cureton, of the Twelfth Regi- ment of Irregular Cavalry, son of the late Brigadier-General Cureton, C.B., and A.D.C. to the Queen, to Margaret Sophia, daughter of the late Rev. W. A. Holmes, D.D., of Templemore Rectory, Ireland.
On the 13th May, at Matson, the Rev. Arthur Carden, third son of the late Sir Henry S. Carden, Bait., of the Priory, Templemore, to Rosa Emily, younger daugh- ter of W. Wilton Woodward, Esq., of Matson House, Gloucestershire.
On the 18th, at Christ Church, St. Pancras, Henri de Rougenacmt, of St. Aubin, Neufchatel, son of the late Georges de Rougemont, President du Conseil d'Etat and Procureur-Gdndral de Is Principautd de Neufchatel, to Caroline, eldest daughter of George Rougemont, Esq., of Chester Terrace, Regent's Park. On the 19th, at Bildeston, Suffolk, Captain James llorsford Cockburn, R.N., to Harriet Emily, only daughter of the Rev. Joseph (ledge, Rector of Bildeston.
Lately, at St. George's, Hanover Square, George Howard, Esq., eldest son of the lion. and Very Rev. the Dean of Lichfield, to Marion, Widow of the late W. L. Ben- nett, Esq., of 'Victoria Road, Kensington.
On the 3d April, in consequence of the upsetting of a boat in a storm on the Hooghly, the Rev. G. F. E. Weidemann, BA., Senior Professor of Bishop's College, Calcutta, and late Fellow of St. Catherine's Hall, Cambridge; in his 33d year. On the 4th May, at Villa Franca, near Genoa, John Capel Banbury Tracy, third son of the Right Hon. the Lord Sudeley.
On the 7th, at Dublin, Lady Fitzgerald, Widow of the late Lieutenzug-General Sir Augustine Fitzgerald, Bart., of Carrigoran, county of Clare; in her 88th year.
On the 8th, at Leamington, the Hon. Margaret Speirs, Relict of Archibald Speira, Esq., of Elderslie.
On the 9th, the Rev. William Thomas, Vicar of Loppiogton, Salop ; in his 60th year. On the 13th, ether residence in Paris, the Honourable Lady Airey, 'Widow of the late General Sir Gcorge Airey, K.C.II. On the 13th, at Herndon, near Sandwich, Henry Wise Harvey, Esq., a most en- thusiastic admirer of the British Navy, to which the different brancheo of his family have rendered very eminent service; in his 84th year. On the 13th, at Newbold Flail, Warwickshire, Sir Grey Skipwith, Bart.; in Ida Illst year. On the 14th, at the Vicarage, Braintree, the Rev. B. Scald, upwards of flfty-five
rearsVicar of that parish,
n his 83d year. and for many years Rector of Willingale-Spatn, Loser; On the 17th, in Lewes Crescent, Kemp Town, Brighton, the Rev. Edward Hamer Ravenbill, M.A., Vicar of Leominster. Sussex, and youngest son of the late John Ravenhill, Esq., of Clapham Common ; in his 45th year.
On the 19th, at Diddington, Huntingdonshire, George Thornhill, Esq., M.P.; in his 69th year.
On the 21st, at Linton Park, Kent, the Right Hon. James Mann Earl Cornwallis; talus 73d year.