PA_RLIAMENT was opened for business on the 20th inst. The Queen's Message, though not long, was very signifi- cant of the change which has come over affairs. Her Majesty hopes, in concert with the other Powers, to promote "the early and complete fulfilment of the Treaty of Berlin, with respect to effectual reforms and equal laws in Turkey, as well as to such territmial questions as have not yet been settled," and she regards such fulfilment as "essential for the avoidance of further com- plications in the East." Her Majesty hopes for a settlement in Afghanistan which "will secure the independence" of the 'people, and their friendly relations to India ; and she will supply information on the "weighty subject" of the condition of Indian finance, "as it has recently been made known to me." She will maintain her supremacy over the Transvaal, -while granting to the Europeans self-governing institutions. A hope is expressed that trade is reviving ; an announcement is made that the Irish Coercion Acts will be allowed to expire, and the ordinary law be firmly administered ; attention is pro- mised to Irish distress ; and a Burial Bill, a renewal of the Ballot Act, a Bill handing over ground-game to the tenant, a Bill resettling the liabilities of employers for injuries sustained by their workmen, and a Bill extending the borough franchise in Ireland, are all promised. The programme is short, but the tone is one of clear advance.