22 MAY 1880, page 13

Brain-pressure In Schools.

N ERS. GARRETT-ANDERSON does well to preach to 1 teachers and parents respecting the evils of too much excitement of the brain and of nervous energy in modern educa- tion. There......


[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.] Si,—Allow me to offer a correction of a now very common error, which I find reproduced in your columns of to-day,—I mean the use of the word......

Letters To The Editor.

THE CLERGY AND POLITICS. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "apscreros..-] .Sm, — Your correspondent, "A Hospital Chaplain," combines so much genuine liberality of feeling with so much......

Cardinal Newman's Address To The Catholic Union.

(TO THE EDITOR OF TIM "BrEcrATou."1 SIR,—In an article in your issue of the 15th inst., you Observe that "not only Catholics but non-Catholic literary men," were among the......