READABLE NOVELS.—The Pagans. By Mrs. Hugh Fraser and Hugh Fraser.
(Hutchinson and Co. 6s.)—This society novel is bright and vigorous, and less melodramatic than is usual with such fiction.—Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land. By Mrs. Campbell Praed. (Same publishers and price.)—Mrs. Praed's drawing of character is true and interesting, and affords a further proof of her intimate knowledge of life in Australia the book is altogether one of distinction.—The Teeth of the Tiger. By Maurice Leblanc. Translated by Alexander Teixeira de Mattes. (Hurst and Blackett. 6s.)—M. Leblanc has resuscitated the popular hero, Arsene Lupin, whose adventures are as thrilling and success- ful as ever.—Eitch,enusr Chaps. By A. Neil Lyons. (John Lane. Is. net.)—These little sketches, although they can claim no especial brilliancy, are humorous, loving, and manifestly genuine.