22 MAY 1915, page 14

On A Postcard.

(To rue Emma or vas “Sreererrean Sea,—The article in the Spectator of May 15th on the Urgency Cases Hospital, Bar-le-Duo, makes me think that we English wounded might subscribe......

De-alcoholized Beer.

f To ena Intros or rea nerseratoa"1 SIR, —As one of the seventy-four brewers who have been refused permission, through the action of the Excise, to render their beer teetotal,......

Louvain And Its Library. [to The Editor Op Thy •

firer...ma" J Son,—Yes, there are hundreds of solitary souls scattered up and down the British Isles—poor scholars, men and women with no money and little " gear "—who will......

National Expenditure.

[To rim Dame or rem " srarmea."] Stn,—There is an omission from the calculation made when dealing with the Budget in the article published on May 8th, for that article takes no......