Unisex Sir: I am glad to see Kenneth Hurren raising
the question of the outbreak of transvestism in the theatre, but he is unable to provide answer. Can anyone? No sooner is the legislation extending women's rights upon, us than we are assailed by men impersonat!ng women on the stage. This year's succe5si°,411 of solo and duo performers in the West End' —Danny La Rue, Charles Pierce, Hinge Brackett, Barry Humphreys—is now f° lowed by two shows in which all the perf0rrn. ers are transvestist. It takes one back to tilt: days of trooper concerts in foreign Par e when boys had to be girls because there were, no girls. But now? Is the theatre somehnwr fleeting g some strange and confusing v45 deeP in the psyche of our society to do away With vive la difference' altogether?
J. Muller 35 VVoodhurst Road, Acton, London W3