22 MAY 1976, page 18

The Closed Shop

Sir: Jim Higgins, commenting on the ADM of the National Union ofJournalists, claims, 'What cannot be said, on the evidence of Buxton, is that the NUJ represents any threat to......


Sir: It is not for me to complain if Amit Roy breaches the confidentiality of an off-therecord meeting at which he was present. Nor would I wish to correct a number of errors in......

Kennedy's Scotland

Sir: Mr Ludovic Kennedy's article on Scotland is so full of false analogies and unsupported generalisations that it is impossible to deal with all of them in a brief letter and......

A. L. Hobhouse Sir: In My Article On Keynes (spectator,

I May) I inadvertently referred to A.L. (later Sir Arthur) Hobhouse as 'almost halfwitted'. I regret using this expression. I should have made it clear that this phrase was......

Not Integral

Sir: Mr John Biggs-Davison's contribution (29 April) is striking in that no item of evidence adduced in the text supports the title chosen for the article, 'England's other......

Dear Dear Sir: Your Correspondent, Humphry Ber Keley,...

his godson (Dear) 2 —my husband was thus addresse d by the President of a Cambridge mathematical Society. Joan Dear 12 Oakhi II Drive, Welwyn, Herts.......

Unisex Sir: I Am Glad To See Kenneth Hurren Raising

the question of the outbreak of transvesti sm in the theatre, but he is unable to provide answer. Can anyone? No sooner is the legi slation extending women's rights upon, us......