Books Wanted
HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY by Kenneth Walker. L. Parker, 20, Gaieties de la Reine. 1000 Brussels, Belgium.
HE WALKS IN TWO WORLDS by Maurice Barbanel!, WHITE CLIFFS TO CORAL REEF. A CLASSIC BOAT VOYAGE by William Howell. Spectator Box 693.
EUROPE AND THE TURK, A Pattern of Alliances — 13501700 by Dorothy Vaughan (Liverpool University Press 19541 and THE GASTEROPOD by Margaret Ross (Barrie & Jenkins) Box 694.
ELSIE OXENHAM; E. M. Brent-Dyer books. Mr Gall, 49, Anderson Avenue, Aberdeen.
FIRST EDITIONS, particularly early, Evelyn Waugh. John Tidey. 22 Pathson Road, London NW2.
BELLS RING BACKWARDS by Oliver Onions. Johnson, 46 York Road, Liverpoo123,
ELSIE OXENHAM & Elinor Brent-Dyer books, especially early editions. Marshall, 5/6 Down St. London W1. MEMORIES by SII Maurice Bowra. 'Early Renaissance' by Michael Levey. S. D. Ezell, M.D. South Main Street, Salem, New York 12865, U.S.A.
FAHRENHEIT 451 by Ray Bradbury. Pref. paperback. E. M. Smith, 4, Fairmount Drive, Loughborough, Leics, ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, GRAPHIC, etc. 19th century, needed by author for research. Johnson, 22 The Hamlet. Champion Hill, London SE5. Tel : 01-274 1123. BILLY BARNICOAT by Greville Mac Donald. Maitland, 2 Howard Lodge. Mount Sion. Tunbridge Wells. THE DAY ON FIRE by James Ramsay Ullman. Spectator Box 691.
AUSTIN FREEMAN any in any condition. W. H. Paul, Wychwood, Upper Court Road. Woldingham, Surrey. VENUS IN THE KITCHEN by Norman Douglas. Box 687. ASQUITH by Roy Jenkins. Good copy wanted urgently Box 688 THE WATER BEETLE by Nancy Mitford and THE BEAST IN ME by James Thurber. Box No, 690. SHIRLEY'S "History of the County of Monaghan". Elliott West Walton, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire.