22 NOVEMBER 1834, Page 11



on the 14th inst., at Wentworth, the Viscountess Mitrow, of aeon, still-born,

On the llth inst., at Weymouth, at his residence in the Belvidere, the Lady of ROPER IIPTON, Esq., of a son, still-born. in Nottingham Place, the Lady of W. CLAY, Esq., M.P., of a daughter. On the 15th inst., at Rheola. Glatnorganshire, the Lady of NASH VAUGHAN EDWARDS VAUGHAN, Esq., of a son and heir. On the 15th inst., in South Street, Park Lane, Lady KILILAINE, of a daughter. AM Leamington, the Lady of JOHN HAMPDEN, Esq.. of a daughter. At Batross, tie Lady of CHA atm O'CoNNELL, Esq.. M.P.. for Kerry, of a daughter. On the 17th inst.. Mrs. BULLER ELPHINSTONE, of a daughter. On the 15th, at Eton. the Lady of the ltev. R. ORES, of a daughter. On the 13th inst.. at Broughty, by Dundee, the Lady of Col. Sir NEIL DOUGLAS, C.B.

,Id K.C.II., late 79th Highlanders. of a daughter.

Oa the 19th inst., at the Rectory, Shawell, the Lady of the Rev. WILLIAM BLIN- IMO, of a daughter. MARRIAGES.

On the 15th inst., at St. George's, Hanover Square. WILLIAM ARCHIR kLD CAMPBELL, fig, of Wilton Place. to Miss lArARLOTTE WENTWORTH, of Wilton Crescent. On the 15th inst. REGINALD, youngest son of C. Huston, Esq., to JULIA, daughter of WILLIAM TATUM, Esq., late Captain to his Majesty's Service. On the 17th inst., at St. George's, Hanover Square, THOMAS, youngest son of the late vivid Donne, Esq., of Lydd, Kent, to JANE, youngest daughter of Joh's Falconer, Esq. is Britannic Majesty's Consul at Leghorn. Os the 12th inst., at Bitterley Salop. Roam!' GUPPY, Esq.. Barrister-at-Law, to AMELIA ELIZABETH, daughter of Richard Parkinson, Esq , of Hereford. On the 17th inst., at Chailey, EDMUND BRYAN, Esq., only son of the late William Bryan, Esq., of Harley Street. to CATHERINE, youngest daughter of Thomas Clarke, Est, of Ades. Sussex. On the 5th lust., at the British Embassy in Florence, his Highness IIENRY the Sixty. Lath Prince DE Itruss KOESTRITZ,I0 MATILDA HARRIET ELIZABETH, second daughter cr Major. General and Lady Matilda Locke. On the 18th inst, at the British Embassy, Paris, and afterwards according to the tei of the Roman Catholic Church, EDWARD CHARLES BLOUNT, Esq., second son of !Award Blount, Esq., to GERTRUDE FRANCES, youngest daughter of the late William luniugham, Esq. DEATHS.

On the 18th inst., at Tittenhanger House, near St. Alban's, IIerts, the Right lion.

?MOP Earl of HARDWICK E, K.G., in his 77th year.

On the 13th inst., in Loudon, Lady MILES, formerly of Conisbro', Yorkshire, in her 61 year, On the 16th inst, at Fulham, the Lady SOPHIA KENT. On the 16th inst., at Stratcord Green, Essex, CECIL, wife of John Csrstairs, Esq. On the 17th inst., at his house in Wilton Crescent, Lieut.-Colonel CLEMENTS, in his 45th year. Os the 15th inst. at Richmond, Sorry, in his 15th year, HENRY EDMOND INNES CAL.

:tv, eldest son of Sir Henry It. Catlett, Bart. At Huntingdon. the Rev. ALFRED VEASEY. Fellow of St. Peter's, Cambridge, in his lath year. On the 15th inst., JAMES HEATH, Esq, A.R.A., in his 78th year. At Plymouth, at an advanced age, CIIARLYS HENRY Fousrvit, Esq.