22 NOVEMBER 1834, page 11

If The Duke Of Wellington Were Really Disposed, As His

friend the Tunes insinuates, to form an Administration on Reform principles, he Would naturally be in communication with leading Reformers; but Rho are the worthies that flock......

A Number Of Bill-stickers Were Busily Employed This...

posting placards all over the Metropolis, containing in bold type the following few but most significant words—" Stop him again, get gold !" — Globe.......

At The Meeting Of Whigs And Reformers Held On Monday

at the Crown and Anchor, Mr. RICHARD TAYLOR is reported to have made the following statement, in reference to the attacks of the Radical press on the late Lord Chancellor. " He......


SATURDAY NIGHT. The King and Queen left St. James's Palace this morning shortly before twelve o'clock, in a private carriage•and four, for Brighton. As :heir Majesties passed......

The King Yesterday Delivered The Great Seal To Lord...

; do, for the present, will perform the functions both of Lord Chan- cellor and Lord Chief Baron. Marquis Wellesley is recalled ; and the Lord Primate (a Beresford), the......

Lord Brougham, We Have Heard, Is About To Depart For

Italy. This would be a prudent step ; for he needs quiet for the mind, if not for the body. His reputation may be recruited in his absence. We hope that he is not merely......

The Standard On Wednesday Called Loudly On The Country To

fortify the Duke of Wellington, and encourage the King, by loyal addresses of gratitude for the recent blessed change in his councils ; and intimated that the character of the......

Births, Marriages, And Deaths.

BIRTHS. on the 14th inst., at Wentworth, the Viscountess Mitrow, of aeon, still-born, On the llth inst., at Weymouth, at his residence in the Belvidere, the Lady of ROPER......

The Exhortations Of The Times To The People Of England,

to suspend their exertions, and trust to the Duke of Wellington for Reform, remind us of a story in John Bull, where Habbakkuk Slyboots prevails on Jack just to hang himself for......

We Understand That A Declaration Was Yesterday Signed By A

number of Metropolitan Members, expressive of their firm opinion, that the late dismissal of the Melbourne Ministry could only proceed from a determination to prevent the reform......

There Was A Meeting Of Dissenting Deputies Held Yesterday At

Bir- mingham, and resolutions passed expressive of disgust at the replace- ment of the Tories, of disappointment at the conduct of the Whigs (which, however, they are now......

Election Talk.

The prospect of a speedy dissolution of Parliament has put candi- dates and electors on the alert in various parts of the country. In the Metropolis, arrangements are in......

A New Commission For The Treasury Is Prepared. The Lords

Com- missioners are the Duke of Wellington, First Lord ; the Earl of Rosslyn, Lord Ellenborough, Lord Maryborough, Sir John Beckett, ad Mr. Planta. The new Lords of the Treasury......