22 NOVEMBER 1834, Page 11

The Standard on Wednesday called loudly on the Country to

fortify the Duke of Wellington, and encourage the King, by loyal addresses of gratitude for the recent blessed change in his councils ; and intimated that the character of the new Government would very much depend on the expression of public opinion. To-night it says, that "though the portion is a very nice one," a dissolution, or no dissolution, is to a great extent in the hands of " Members of the House of Commons and their friends." What is meant by the expression of public opinion ? the opinion of the inhabitants of such places as Edinburgh, or of Brecon--of New- castle, or of the dinner-party at Ashford in Kent? In whose favour are addresses to be sent? Who is to be Alinister? Are we to eulogize the Duke, or Sir Robert Peel, or Lord Stanley, or the Provisional Government, or, as the Globe suggests, are blank addresses, in the following form, to be submissively signed ?

We assure your Majesty we have entire confidence in the Administration of —, who has been wisely intrusted by your Majesty with the des- tinies of the country."