Lord Brougham, we have heard, is about to depart for
Italy. This would be a prudent step ; for he needs quiet for the mind, if not for the body. His reputation may be recruited in his absence. We hope that he is not merely changing the place of display from Britain to the Continent—from London to Paris. We must not allow M. Du- pin to make a " lion " of him : he must not leave orders with his puffing partisans to track his footsteps, and to proclaim the honours he may receive abroad. They will doubtless be ready enough to exclaim- " Behold the man whom ye reviled and cast forth fills all Europe with his fame !" but the people of England have fathomed Lord Brougham, and know precisely the current value of this sort of admiration. There- fore, if this is his game, we warn him that he will lose by it, and might as well stay where he is.