If the Duke of Wellington were really disposed, as his
friend the Tunes insinuates, to form an Administration on Reform principles, he Would naturally be in communication with leading Reformers; but Rho are the worthies that flock around his Grace? They are Lord Ellenborough, Lord Cowley, Lord Maryborough, Lord Jersey, Sir Charles Manners Sutton, Lord Lyndhurst, &c. : highly respectable men, no doubt —excellent guardians of the creed and morals of the land—men of the right Newcastle. Inglis, and Harrowby stomp, we sup- Pose; but still not distinguished as Reformers, with the exception of Lord Ellenborough, who, when he fancied the time was come, offered to carry even a larger, a more democratic measure of Reform, than Lord Grey could digest. With this honourable exception, the Duke gathers none but bitter Anti-Reformers about him. Will the Times explain this puzzle ?