The Royal Society resumed its meetings for the session on Thursday, No- vember 20th; the Chair being taken by the Treasurer, .1. W. Lunacies, Esq. V.P. The greater part of the time of the meeting was occupied in the reading, by the Secretary, of the abstracts of the numerous Papers which had been laid be. fore the Society at its last meeting in June, and in the announcement of the list of donations made to the Society since that period. The following gentle- men were, by ballot, elected Auditors of the Treasurer's Accounts : vie. H. T. de la Beebe, Esq., Henry Holland, AL D., Herbert Mayo, Esq., Sir Jobs Rennie, and the Reverend W. Whewell ; and the following were proposed al candidates for election as Fellows—namely, Martin Tupper, Em. of New Bur- lington Street ; John Harnett, M.D. of Birmingham'; John Edye, Esq. Sur- veyor in his Majesty's Navy; and A. W. Beetham, Esq. of Forest Lodge, Tulse hill, Surry. Two Papers were then read : the first, by Mr. Lubbock, entitled " On the Determination of the Terms in the Disturbing Function of the Fourth Order, as regards the Eccentricities and Inclinations which give rise to Secular la- 1, equalities ; " and the second, by Mr. Ivory, entitled " Note on the Astronomical Retractions."