Tuesday's Gazette contained the two following announcements. " WHITEHALL, Nov.
15, 1894.
" The King has been pleased to nominate and appoint Leonard Edmunds, Esq. to be Clerk of the Crown Chancery, in the room of Denis Le Marchant, El. resigned. " The King has also been pleased to nominate and appoint Arthur Eden,. El. to be Clerk of the Patents, in the room of Leonard Edmunds, Esq. re- signed."
In the Globe of Wednesday, Mr. EDEN'S appointment was de- nied, in these terms- " We are authorized to contradict the appointment of Mr. Arthur Eden, as Clerk of the Patents, in last night's Gazette."
The Gazette of last night tells us more than the Globe—namely, that the appointment had been made, but subsequently cancelled. This was a nice little family job, which Lord BROUGHAM was
prevented from perpetrating during the last week of his Chan-
cellorship, and after he had be virtually dismissed. Mr. LEONARD EDMUNDS is his Lordshi, 's Private Secretary,—a very painstaking young gentleman, we doubt not, and in the secret of those multifarious dabblings with the press which have occupied Lord BROUGHAM so much of late. He, it seems, has been pro- vided for. Mr. ARTHUR EDEN is a relation, brother the news- papers say, of Lady BROUGHAM, and Mr. DENIS Ls MAscitarer was or is another Secretary of the Chancellor. How Mr. Ls MARCHANT is taken care of at the public cost, we cannot tell ; but Mr. EDEN has one office in the new Exchequer, and it was a rather impudent thing to bestow another upon him under exist- ing circumstances. This part of the arrangement seems to have been prevented by a higher authority than Lord BROUGHAM; who has all the credit but none of the profit of the job. Is not this miserable work? How would it have been scouted by the HENRY BROUGHAM of former days !