The rulers of Germany appear utterly incapable of using the
; Power they have reoonquered from the people. The Diet at Frank- fort has been going on since its restoration exactly as it did before it was tumbled down ; deliberating, exchanging notes and proto- cols, doing nothing. Prussia is trying to raise a loan, respecting the legality of whieh shrewd suspicions are entertained. But it is Austria that has reached the acme of imbecility. The Ministers, at their wits' ends, and angry, as men in that condition are apt to because the exchanges will not favour their monetary opera- tions, have taken to punishing the dealers in stocks for the em- barrassing state of the money-market. Bankers, stockjobbers, raoneyed men of all ranks and claises, have been expelled from Vienna, because the rates of exchange will not conform to the .:wishes of Government. Having once begun to regulate commer- cial transactions by the penal authority of the police, the Cabinet of Vienna is preparing to-go farther, and inflict punishment upon [Lamm Eprriox.) all those who used, in the law language of England, to be called forestallers, regraters, and so forth. In its perplexities the Aus- trian Government is falling back upon the obsolete errors of the middle ages ; seeking to control the natural laws which regulate exchanges and the distribution of property ; attempting by the punishment of innocent persons to counteract the effects of its own misrule.