Commercial Gazette.
Tuesday, November 18. PARTNERSHIPS DISPOLVED.—Ayars and Hamilton, Lower Shade:ell, wharangers- Evans and Nicholson. Manchester, merchants- 31•Vitie and Sliankland, Liverpool,......
Military Gazette. War-orricp..ov. 18 . -10th Regt. Light...
Griffith!, from half-pay 11 natt. to be Lieuta-CoL,withoith purchaae. 3d Foot-Brevet Lieut.-Col. C. T. IIJI 8 tranbentee, to beLieut.L - Col. Without purchaee, vice Sir J:DenhD,......
On the 12th November, at Starston Rectory, Norfolk, the Wife of the Rev. Augus- tus M. Hopper, of a daughter. On the lath, at Broome Park, the scat of Sir Benjamin Brodie,......
Publications Received.
Boosts. .Reminiscences of 17wmas Chalmers, D.D., LL.D. By John Anderson, Esq., Author of "Sketches of the Edinburgh Clergy," &e. Physiological Researches. By Sir B. C. Brodie,......
Naval Gazette.
ADMIRALTY, Nov - 12. - Corps of Royal Marines-Col. and Sec. Commandant D. A. Gibsone to be Col. Commandant, vice Parke, promoted to the rank of Major-Gen. Unatt. ; Capt. and......