Tuesday, November 18.
PARTNERSHIPS DISPOLVED.—Ayars and Hamilton, Lower Shade:ell, wharangers- Evans and Nicholson. Manchester, merchants- 31•Vitie and Sliankland, Liverpool, coal-merchante-Lemon, Brothers ; as far as regards 0. Lemon-Milnes and Sale, Leominster, attornies-Millican and Wells, Northampton, coal-merchants---Wind- ram and Winterton, Leicester, trimmers-Dudley and Son, Norbrigge. Cheeterfiehl, spade-manufacturers-A. anal 11. Gorton, 'fichborne Street, pork-butchers-J. Max- well and Co., W. Maxwell and Co., and W. and S. Slav well and Co., Carlisle, Bramp- ton, anal Pemilli, Cumberland, and Nee castle-on-Tyne, butter-factors; as far as regards Sy Maxwell-Coe and Iledley. Sheffield, table-knife-manufacturers-Marwoad and Bodkin, Crown Wharf, Shad Thames, coal-merchants-Roberts and Pteree, Ruthin, Denbighshire, and Roberts and Co., Denbigb, drapers-Marshall and Co„, Strand, grocers. BANKRUPTS. —SARAH and NICHOLAS T. Isnsavroon, Ludgate Hill, house-decorators, to surrender Nov. 24. Jan. solicitors, Reid and Co. Friday Street; official as- signee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-Tnomas JAJOES LOEGH and Crteates Wee- Liam Lewis, Great St. Belen'e, drysalters, Dec. I, Jan. 8: solicitors, Fry and Lox- ley, Cheapside ; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Baildings —WILLIAM Wurrx, Winchester, builder, Nov. 28, Jan. 2: solicitors, Sanger, Essex Court; Ed ards and Godwin, 'Winchester; official assignee, Cannan„ Aldermanbury-GEMIGE WAK FLING, Chelmsford. auctioneer, Nov. 29, Jan. TO: solicitors, Trehern anal White, Barge Yard; Chalk and Mega, Chelmsford; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghalf Street .--SPENCER ASILLIN, Eastcheam, corn-factor, Dec. 5, Jan. 30: solicitor, Murray, London Street; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-Jorth Ceemezta, Greenwich, miller, Nov. 29, Jan. 10: solicitors. Lawrence and Co. Old Jewrat Chambers; official assignee, Nicholson; Basingball Strect-Ancumato Creed Lane, wine-merchant, Dec. 2, Jon. 6: solicitors, Young and Son, Mark Lane; official aashenee, Groom, Abehurch Lane-Merman Wuxi/at DAnn, Chatham, victualler, ov. 23, Dec. 23: solicitore, Cos and Sons, Sise Lane; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-Josue FoiLaa, Ely, stone-mason, Nor. 2s, Dec. 23: solici- tors, Piekeriug and Co. Lincoln's Inn; Archer, Ely; official assignee, taansfald, Baaingbali Street -Jona( CLARKE SANFORD, Paternoster Row, stationer, Dee. 5, 23: solicitor, !ones, Balker Street ; official assignee, Stansfeld, .Braerngh Street - Jotter Wetrrweas jun. Huddersfield, woollen-cloth-manufa t , Dec. I, 22: solicitors, Floyd, Huddersfield ; Bond and Barwick, Leeds; official assig- nee, Hope, Leeds-JOHN HILL, Thorne, Yorkshire, wine-merchant, Dec. 6, Jan. 10: solicitors, England and Son, Hull; Balmer, Leeds; official assignee, Freeman, Sheffield-Tuomas CARS, Doncaster, innkeeper, Dec. 6, Jan. 10: solicitor, Smith, Doncaster; official assignee, Freeman, Sheffield - RICHARD COLLINS, Clitheroe, grocer, Nov. 28, Dec. 19: solicitors, Sutton, Manchester; Blackhurst and Son, Preston; official assignee, Lee, Manchester-JOHN ENTWISLE, Radcliffe, cotton- manufacturer. Nov. 28, Dec. 19: solicitor:, Sale and Co. Manchester; official assig- nee, Lee, Manchester-THOMAS FRAY, Wigan, check-manufacturer, Dec. 2, 11: so- licitor, Mayhew, Wigan ; official assignee, Fraser, Manchester. DiVIDENDS.-Dec. 8, Odell, ClophiU. Bedfordshire, grocer-Dec. 8, Summers. Bath Street, City Road, pawnbroker-Dec. 12, Leaman and Andrew, Fenchurch Street, mahogany-merchants-Dec. 9, Smith, Shide, Newport, Isle of Wight, brick-maker- Dec. 10, Phillips, Cardiff, linen-draper-Dec. n, II. and .1. Davts, Chalford, Glou- cestershire, clothiers- Dec. 10, Pownall, Manchester, brewer-Dec. 9, Miller and Street, Lancaster, builders-Dec. 10. Detrick and Kay, Newton Heath, Manchester, brewers-Dec. 9, Whitehead, Lancaster, cabinet-maker-Dec. 15, Mitchell and Binns, Barnsley, iron-founders-Dec.9,G. & It. Cappur, N.intwich, cheese-factors. CERTIFICATES.- To be granted, unless cause be shown to the contrary, on the day of sneeting.-Dec. 10, Laing, Halifax, draper-Dec. 10, .1. and G. J. Whitfield, Lamb's Conduit Street, cheesemong,ers -Dee. 10, Davis, Northampton, currier-Dec. 10, Leech, Chichester, apothecary-Dec. 10, Levy, White's Row, Spitalfields, mac- caroni-manufacturer-Dec. 10, Curalall, Old Bond Street, publisher-Dec. 31, For- man and Prow, Hull, joiners-Dec. 9, Collins, Clitheroe, provision-dealer-Dec. 9, Crankehaw, Color, Lancashire, cotton-spinner-Dec. 9, Stevenson, Liverpool, mer- chant-Dec. 11, Welch, Sedgley, iron-manufacturer-Dec. 11, Cox, Smethwick, Staffordshire, iron-manufacturer-Dee. 11, Beach, Bradford, Yorkshire, apothecary. DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.-Lord, Rochdale, sheep-salesman; div. of Is. id. any Tuesday ; Mackenzie, Manchester-J. and T. Hoyle, Salford, cotton-manufacturers; first div. of 58. 6d. and first div. of us. 9Ad. on the separate estate of J. Hoyle, Nov. 27, or any subsequent Thursday ; Lee, Manchester-Rideout, Nottingham, glove- manufacturer; first div. of 9s. Nov. 22, or any subsequent alternate Saturday until August I ; Bittleston, Nottingham-Dickenson, Wolverhampton, corn-merchant ; first div. of is. 8d. Nov. 20, or any subsequent Thursday ; Valpy, Birmingham-Mac Gibbon and Galbreath, Hull, merchants; second div. of Is. 101d. and first div. of 5d. on the separate estate of J. Mac Gibbon, Nov. 18, or any subsequent Tuesday ; Carrick, hull.
SCOTCH. SERCESTRATIONS.-Scott, Craigrothie, Fifeshire, manufacturer, Nov. 24, Dec. 17-Davidson, Aberdeen, grocer, Nov. 24, Dec. 16-Wilson, Glasgow, tailor, Nov. 21, Dec. 13-Gordon, Aberdeen, innkeeper, Nov. 22, Dee. 13-Brown, Glas- gow, accountant, Nov. 21, Dec. 12-Henderson, Glasgow, chemical-manufacturer, Nov. 24, Dec. 15-Fleming, Paisley, pawnbroker, Nov. 22, Dec. 11.
Friday, November 21. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Wilkins and Co. Great Queen Street, estate-agents- Denne and Pierce, Faniugdon Street, ironmongers-Miller sod Jones, Liverpool, engravers-Brettells and Roberts, Northampton, ironmongers-Tustin and.Barlow, Bride Court, attornies-Goldstein and Co. Bradford, Yorkshire, stuff-merchants- Rogers and Hammond, Marylebone Street, drapers -Nugent and Eldridge, Gravel Lane, grocers-Swallow and Brierly, Huddersfield, woollen-manufacturers-Kay- and Co. Manchester, printers; as far as regards J. Kay-Benson and Philbrick, Ayles- bury, attornies-Battcock and Co. Carlton Street, Regent Street, wine-merchants - Ta) lor and Foxwell, Bristol, coal-merchants-G. and J. Wilson, Newcastle-upon- Tyne, drapers-Brothers and Railtuns. Blackburn, manufacturers of fire-clay retorts -Millwood and Co. Kensington, lime-merchants ; as far as regards .4. Samela-J. and E. Davenport, Birmingham, maltsters -Ellis and Co. St. Paul's Churchyard, ware- housemen; as far as regards J. E. Churchill-Bowers and Blacklock, Manchester, rope-manufacturers-Hilton and Webster, Manchester, cotton-spinners-Rubera and Co. Rowley Regis, Staffordshire, iron-manufacturers ; as far as regards R. Mor- ris-Ginther and Co. Upper Thames Street, commission-merchants-J. and J. R. Andrews, Gloucester, grocers-Taylor and Con-laud, St. Martin's Lane, tailors-M. and J. Burt, Torquay, linen-drapers-Bredin and Comins, Liverpool, Irish provi- sion-merchants-S. and R. Morris, Coventry, rualtsters-R. and 71.S. Young, Staple- ford Abbot, Essex, farmers-Potts mid Nixon, Stockport, grocers-Orrinston and Co. Edinburgh, bakers ; as far as regards C. W. 111`Queen. BANKatiets.-JOHN CI:STANCE, (and not CesTANER, as before advertised,) Green- wich, miller, to surrender November 29, January 10: solicitors, Lawrence and Co. Old Jewry Chambers; official assignee, Nicholson, Basinghall Street-THOMAS PATIENT, Saffron Walden, cooper, November 29, January 16: solicitors, Sharpe and Co. Bedford Row; Thurgoods, Saffron Walden, Essex ; official assignee, Pen- nell, Guildhall Chambers-ALFRED BRADFORD, Assembly Row, Mile End Road, victualler, Nov. 29, Jan. 16: solicitors, Sheen and Grant, Kennington Cross ; official assignee, Pennell, Guildhall Chambers-SOLOMON SOLOMON, Strand, tailor, Nov. 28, Dec. 31: solicitor, Finney, Furnival's Inn ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-hussy Wont'. and Isaac LYONS, Cripplegate Buildings, umbrella-manufac- turers, Dec. 3, Jan. 2: solicitor, Parker, St. Pail's Churchyard ; official assignee, Stansfeld, Basinghall Street-WILLI/al EVANS, Banbury, ironmonger, Dec. 2, Jan. 2: solicitor, Aplin, Banbury; official assignee Graham, Coleman Street-EDWARD SILLS CLARKE, St. Mary Cray, baker, Dec. 2, Yam 6: solicitor, Hobler, Bucklers- bury ; official assignee, Graham, Coleman Street-THOMAS BARNJCM, Pall Mall East, wine-merchant, Dec. 5, Jan. 6: solicitor, Anncsley, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; offi- cio] assignee, Edward, Sambrook Court, Basinghall Street- WILLLan ROBINSON, West Lynn, Norfolk, grocer, December 5, January 6: solicitors, Reed and Co. Friday Street ; official assignee, Groom, Abchurch Lane, Lombard Street - Jamas THOMAS JONES, Rathbone Place, warehouseman, Dec. 1, Jan. 15: solicitors, 'Watson and Roscoe, Worship Street; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Build- ings-WILLIAM KNocts, Eton, nurseryman, Dec. 1. Jan. 6: solicitors, Marten and Co. Mincing Lane; official assignee, Bell, Coleman Street Buildings-Memoir, STANFORD and BENJAMIN LEWIS, Wednesbury, Staffordshire, engineers, Dec. 4, 30: solicitors, Hollond, West Bromwich; Hodgson, Birmingham ; official assignee, Whitmore, Birmiugham-THomAs Avast, Bridport, music-seller, Dec. 2, 23: Gundry, Bridport ; Terrell, Exeter ; official assignee, Herne's-Ian, Exeter- IstarrHEw Memroan, Dittisham, Devonshire, miller, Nov. 28, Dec. 23: solicitors, Bryett, Totness; Stogdon, Exeter; official assignee, Hernaman, Exeter-Davin HATFIELD Lei:loons Brigg, Lincolnshire, joiner, Dec. 3, 31: solicitor, Stamp, Hull; official assignee, Carrick, Hull-Wittiest PRITCHARD, Liverpool, tea-merchant, Dec. 3, 23: solicitors, Harvey and Falcon, Liverpool; official assignee, Morgan, Liverpool-JOHN STEWART RITSON, Liverpool, printer, Dec. 2, 22: solicitors, Robin- son and Duke, Liverpool ; official assignee, Cazenove, Liverpool. DIVIDEND-8:-Dec. 12, F. and G. La Mark, Water Lane, Tower Street, ship-brokers -Dec. 16, Keen and Langford, John Street, Pentonville, brewers-Dec. 16, Parker, Oxford, brewer-Dec. 16, Woodbridge, Mincing Lane, colonial-broker-Dec. 16, Solornons, Basinghall Street, merchant-Dec. 22, Clifton, Brandon, Suffolk, brewer- Dec. 17, Coleman, Coventry, chemist-Dec. 10, Phillips, Cardiff. linen-draper-Dec. 19, Clifton and Rawle, Bristol, wine-merchants-Dec. 19, R. and F. H. Hazard, Bris- tol, victuallers-Dec. 23, Grey, Sunderland, draper-Dec. 16, Wallace,sCarlisle, gro- cer-Dec. 1, Evans, Manchester, banker-Dec. 12, Hervey, Halifax, spirit-merchant- Dec. 13, Jepson, Sheffield, grocer-Dec. 16, Derbam, Leeds, and Hind and Derham, Dolphinhohne, Lancashire, worsted-spinners-Dec. 15, Robinson and Moore,' 'Wakefield, spinners. CERTIFICATES.- lb be granted, stnless cause be shown to the contrary', on the day of steeting.-Dec. 15, Ilayhow, Ratcliffe Highway, boot-maker-Dec. 16, Holman, Bath, draper-Dec. 15, Hayes, St. John's Lane, stereotype-founder-Dec. 12, Mer- cer, Church Passage, Spital Square, silk-merchant-Dec. 13, W..1. and C..Paxman, Hare Street, Bethnal Green, silk-dyers-Dee. 13, Granville, Piccadilly, lodgin,,g_house-keeper-Dec. 22, Allan, Carmarthen, tea-dealer-Dec. 15, Raphael, Liverpool,
jeweller-Dec. 13, W. and F. Pashley, Sheffield, table-knife-manufacturers-Dec 12, Speak, Halifax, stuff-manufacturer-Dec. 13, Nicholson, Sheffield, surgeon.
DECLARATIONS OF DIVIDENDS.-Nicholson, York, tailor; first div. of Is. 65. Dec. 4, or any subsequent Thursday ; Freeman, Leeds-G. and H. Schonswar, London' merchants ; fifth div. of lid. Dec. 4, or any subsequent Thursday; Freeman Li-Hobson, Wellingborough, corn-dealer ; first div. of Is. 8d. Nov. 23, or any subsequent Tuesday; Nihcolson, Basinghall Street - W. and F. Pincher, Ivy Bridge. paper-manufacturers ; second and final div. of lid. Nov. 22, 29, and Dec. 6; Groom, Abchurch Lane-Williams, Exeter, wine-merchant; first div. of 10s. any Tuesday after the 25th inst.; Hirtzel, Exeter-Collins and Rose, Bewdley, carpet-manufacturers; first div. of 5s. 64d. any Thursday ; Christie, Birmingham, Scowls SEQuEsgaserioNs.-Hoome, Glasgow, druggist, Nov. 27, Dec. 18-Cum- ming, Dundee, engraver, Nov. 28, Dec. 19-Forsythe, Udale, Cromarty, farmer, Nov. 26, Dec. 17-Minto, Carnoustie, surgeon, Nov. 27, Dec. 27-Mitchell, Aber- deen, painter, Nov. 29, Dec. 20-R. and J. Gray, Udalingaton, Glasgow, manufac- turers of agricultural implements, Nov. 26, Dec. 17-31'Kenzie, Glasgow, ironmon- ger, Nov. 26, Dec. 17-Atkinson and Co. Glasgow, merchants, Nov. 26, Dec. 17.