The altered state of the Parisian money-market, where the Public Secu- rities have undergone a material improvement, has been considered as indi- cative of a peaceful solution of present political difficulties. Our own Funds have consequently improved. Consols have been as high as 991, and have since fluctuated between that price and 98/, closing this afternoon at 981 99 for Money and 99 for the Account. In the course of the week the price for Money and Account has been the me; but as the market has been in some degree supplied by sales of Stock, Consols are now slightly dearer for Ac- count than for Money. The rate of discount continues the same, and money is plentiful.
The business of the e Market has been more extensive than usual. Brazilian Bonds, and the Stock of the Portuguese Five per Cent Loan of 1824, known in the market as Old Portuguese Stock, have both risen about 5 per cent; financial arrangements, it is stated, being in progress, by which the Government of the Brazils propose to pay off the remaining balance of both loans. We should remark that the Portuguese Stock is guaranteed, and the dividend paid by the Brazilian Government. In consequence of the change in the French money-market already noticed, all the European Stocks have improved. Russian Four-and-a-half per Cents have reached 1031, and are today quoted at 1031 1. Sardinian Stock has advanced to 841 ; being an improvement of nearly 3.per cent. Mexican has also risen, and was at one time as high as 241; being an advance of 11 per cent upon the lowest price : this quotation, however, has not been supported, and a reaction has since occurred. The South American Stocks have also generally improved. Portuguese Four per Cent Stock is higher, having touched 34; and Spanish Active has improved from 1 to per cent.
The most marked revival, however, has been in the French Railway Shares; all of which are current at improved prices, while business in them, which had been almost entirely suspended for some time, has been resumed with some activity: the improvement in price has been from 10s. to 15s. per share. Our own Railway Share Market has also improved ; the advance generally has been from 11. to 2/. upon the principal Shares. Midland Stock has risen about 5 per cent; and the appearance of the market is more healthy than it has been for some time.
The opening price of Consols was 981 for Money and 981 99 for Account ; the market has since continued steady at those quotations, with but few transactions. The French Funds were slightly lower yesterday in Paris ; the last price of the Five per Cents being 91.50—a fall of 5 cents. The Fo- reign Funds are all nominally in demand prices. The Railway Shares continue firm ; Midland Stock is n demand, and is from to 1 per cent higher than yesterday. The following are the principal bargains—Bristol and Exeter, 711; Chester and Holyhead, 20k; East Anglian, 3; Manches- ter, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 30; Midland, 56 561; South-eastern, 201; Paris and Strasburg, 121; Tours and Nantes, 61. During the morning the English Funds gave war A per cent in the almost total absence of business ; Consols having been done both for Money and Account at 981. An improvement took place, however, just before the close of business, and the quotations of the morning were reestablished. In the Foreign Market, Russian Four-and-a-half, Mexican, and Sardinian Stock have improved. The following is the record of actual business—Brazilian, 91 93a ; Chili, 100; Mexican, 24 244; Peruvian, 88; Russian Four-and-a- half per Cents, 1031 a ; Sardinian Stock, 85; Spanish Active, 201 21; Three per Cents, 404; Venezuela, 3.51; Ditto Deferred, 121; Belgian Four-and- a-half, 89; Dutch Two-and-a-half, 594; Ditto Four per Cents, 901 1. The Railway Share Market continues firm, with an upward appeararcs. The following are the principal bargains—Aberdeen, 104 a :s., ; Ambergate, Notts, and Boston, 41 4 4; Bristol and Exeter, 791; Caledonian, 141 / ; Chester and Holyhead, 204 I; Eastern Counties, 6/ 1; East Lancashire, 151 4; Great Northern, 171 1 1; Great Southern and Western, (Ireland,) 351 1 ; Great Western, 841 I 8,5 844; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 574 A 1 4; London and Blackwell, 7k ; London, Brighton, and South Coast, 941 4 ;London and North-western, 1161 1 17; Ditto New Quarter-shares, 251 4; Ditto Fifths, 141; London and South-western, 851; Midland, 561 5; 61 ; North British, 611 ; Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, 151 4; Scottish Central, 141 ; South-eastern and Dover, 201 4; York, Newcastle, and Berwick, 181 a a a ; Ditto Extension, 131 4; Ditto G. N. E. Purchase or Preference, 54; York and North Midland, 21 1 ; Birmingham, Wolverhampton, and Dudley, 29 4 ; Caledonian, 10/., 74; Eastern Counties Extension 5 per Cent No. 2, par; Great Northern 5 per Cent, 131; Boulogne and Amiens, 104; Namur and Liege, 6/ 4; Northern of France, 144; Orleans and Bordeaux, 41; Paris and Rouen, 23 1; Paris and Strasbourg, 124; Rouen and Havre, 84; Tours and Nantes, 64; West Mariposa, 1/ 1; Australasian, 381 1 ; London and West- minster, 281 91.
3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent Reduced 31 per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock 981 981 99 98 t 99 1 7 — Dutch 21 per Cents Ditto 4 per Cents Mexican 5 per Cents 1846 Peruvian 6 per Cents Portuguese 4 per Cents 1812 Portuguese 5 per Cents 1824 591 901 4 231 41 87 88 337 41 90 92 Exchequer Bills
52 5
Russian 5 per Cents 111 113 India Stock 263 5 Ditto 41 per Cents 1031 Brazilian 5 per Cents 92 94 Spanish Active 5 per Cents..
201 th
Belgian 44 per Cents 89 90 Ditto 3 per Cents 1842 391 101 Chilies 6 per Cents 101 3 Sardinian Scrip
1 dis. par.
Danish 5 per Cents 101 3 Ditto Bonds 84 5 Danish 3 per Cents 76 8