22 NOVEMBER 1873, Page 1


rrITTE intriguers of the Right have succeeded. After a struggle protracted for five days, the Assembly on Wednesday rejected the Report of the Committee of Fifteen, and accepted the proposal of the Government-to appoint Marshal MacMahon President for seven years. The vote was carried partly by the abstentions of the Bonapartists, some of whom had agreed not to vote if the Marshal -would accept seven years instead of ten, but chiefly bythe treachery of part of the Left Centre, who either abstained from voting,— these included Casimir-Perier,—or voted with the Government. The total vote was 688, of-which the Government obtained 378, or a majority of 68. It is to be observed, hoWever, that some of these votes were obtained by concessions, the Government, for example, having promised that there shall be no military dictator- ship, and that the President's powers shall be determined among the Constitutional laws which are to be settled at once. Neither M. Thiers nor M, Gambetta spoke.