22 NOVEMBER 1873, page 13

Etiquette In Asia.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE sricarkroz."] Sin,—I am desirous of thanking you for the very liberal and courteous remarks in the Spectator of the 8th inst., on the mission from his......

The Theological Tests Of Nonconformists.

(TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR"] SIR,—I will put into as few words as possible my reply to Mr. Leonard, in the hope that you may be able to find room for it. We are discussing......

Burke's " Brogue."

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR " ] Sin,—Notwithstanding the high authority and Parliamentary experience of the lady who had the honour to give birth to Mr. Charles Reade, few......

[ To The Editor Of The Spectator.")

SIR, —The astonishment with which I have read Mr. Leonard's letters was increased when I found him stating that "there are few men living who know more about the controversy......

Mr. Mill's "autobiography."

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPUTA-TOR:1 SIR, —I must say that I agree with you, and not with your corre- spondent "A.," in your description of Mill's "Autobiography," and let me take......

The Late Lord Lyveden.

[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "13PECTATOR.1 SIR,—.-Allow me to correct a mistake in your notice of the late Lord Lyveden. I heard the greater part of his hustings and after- dinner......