The telegrams are full of the Cesarewitch, who has called
at Vienna and Berlin, and has been received, of course, with honour at both places. All the gossips give accounts of his conversation, the general drift of it being that he is by no means so anti-German or pro-French as reported. There does not, however, appear to be any evidence for any of these stories. It is not at all likely that the Cesarewitch, now a most important personage in Europe, would at this juncture have paid. these visits without a definite poli- tical idea in his own head or his father's, but what that idea is has not transpired. It is most probable that he went to see. whether Russia could not be readmitted into the Austro- German alliance without giving up her own policy too much, but of proof that this was the case there is not a trace. Prince Bismarck remained at Varzin during the visit, "under the orders of his physicians," and without Prince Bismarck, it may be taken as certain that nothing of importance was arranged.. The whole affair looks at this distance as if the Russian Heir Immediate had been treated with extra respect and cordiality because he was not to obtain any concessions. He wore his Prussian uniform in Berlin, but did not wear his Austrian uniform in Vienna, which may be an important political mani- festation,—and may also be the result of a valet's blunder.