22 NOVEMBER 1879, page 3

Consols Were On Friday 98 1 1. To 981.


The Final Arrangements For The Appointment Of Two Con-...

for Egypt are, at all events, distinct. They concede the ultimate sovereignty of the country to MM. Baring and De Blignieres, in the interest, of course, of the Bondholders. The......

All The News Of The Week From Afghanistan Conveys The

same meaning. General Roberts, with all his energy, with good subordinates, and with full support from his superiors—who have made him a local Lieutenant-General, with command......

The Court Of Queen's Bench On Thursday Delivered A Some-

what important decision, in the case of 's Lawson v. Labouchere." Mr. Lawson, as all the world knows, is prosecuting Mr. Labouchere for a libel, part of which consisted in......

M. Lepbre, The French Minister Of The Interior And Of

Public 1Vorship, has issued a circular to the Prefects, calling their attention to the alleged fact that many priests omit from the service the " Domine, salvam fac......

M. Frerc ()than Made A Great Speech On Tuesday In

the Belgian Parliament, on the subject of the conflict between the Belgian Bishops and the State in relation to the Belgian educa- tional legislation, and showed how strongly......

The Press Has Grown Singularly Easy-tempered. We Remember...

when a code for newspaper correspondents such as that published in the Times of Tuesday, would have produced. a storm which would have blown the Commander-in-Chief out of......

Mr. Chaplin, Who Moved In The House Of Commons For

the Commission now sitting on the causes of Agricultural Distress, made a rather iffiportant speech — qmportant, we mean, when we -consider the influence he seems to exercise......

Lord Rosebery Made A Very Amusing Speech This Day Week

at Hawick, in affiliating the Hawick Liberal Association to the Liberal Association of the North of Scotland. He quizzed the action of the Government on all important questions,......