Our Darlings : The Children's Treasury of Pictures and Stories.
Edited by Dr. Barnardo. (J. F. Shaw.)—We always welcome this magazine, both for its own sake and for the sake of the good work with which it is connected, and which finds notice from time to time in its pages. There are tales in plenty for those who like them—and most readers do seem to like them—and various other readable matters. The coloured illustrations are pretty ; nor should we have a fault to find, but for the occasional thrusting in of advertisements into pages where they are not wanted. But it brings money, and money, we do not doubt, is wanted for the three thousand children and more who are lodged, fed, and clothed in the homes belonging to this admirable charity. — Little Folks. (Cassell and Co.)—This is a magazine which we have had occasion more than once before to commend. Stories, we are glad to see, are not made so prominent a feature. Mr. H. Frith contributes one with the title " The Secret of the Silver Lake," a story of New Zealand. Mr. F. Langbridge writes a series of papers on " Our Sunday Afternoons ;" and Miss Alice Havers contributes a series of " Peeps at Home and Abroad." The short stories are numerous.