22 NOVEMBER 1890, page 26

A Colonial And Three English Novels.*

A PRESENTMENT of humanity as it develops itself amongst the exigences and surroundings of existence at the Antipodes, is necessarily a welcome and refreshing change to jaded......

Cutlass And Cudgel. By G. Manville Fenn. (griffith,...

and Welsh.)—This is not quite so ambitious a story as some that Mr. Manville Fenn has written, and perhaps it would be using language of exaggerated eulogy to describe it as a......

Her Two. By Mrs. G. S. Rooney. (nisbet.)—this Is A

curious story of two children that are adopted by the wife of a prosperous solicitor who is described as " a splendid little woman, just such a woman as a husband can praise at......

The Princesses Of Penruth. By Mary H. Debenham. (nisbet.)...

is a pretty little story of how two girls, with the Tenny- sonian and Cornish names of Iseult and Joan, bring happiness to their somewhat aristocratic relatives and their humble......

Steady And Strong. By R. M. Freeman. (griffith, Ferran,...

and Welsh.)—This is a good public-school story, which runs on almost too conventional lines. It gives the familiar weakish or susceptible boy, Owen, who is pulled one way by his......

Current Literature.

GIFT-BOOKS. A Southern Cross Fairy-Tale. By Kate McCosh Clark. (Samp- son Low.)—In this sumptuous gift-book, we have Santa Klaus at the Antipodes, introducing a little boy and......