22 NOVEMBER 1930, Page 64

It must have been almost as great a delight to

Mr. Archibald Lyall to write The Balkan Road (Methuen, 12s. Ild.) as to acquire the material for it by travelling across Trans-sylvania to Bucarest, thence to Constantinople and Athens, through the Gulf of 'Corinth and up the Dalmatian coast. All of this is well enough known country, but the author touches it off with a light bright pen, as when he records the inscription (in Greek) across the execrable facade of the modern cathedral at Athens—" How fearful is this place." In serious vein, it a interesting to hear that the Montenegrins are quite content to be absorbed into the Serb lcingdorn, regarding themselves as the cream of the Serbs, and rather sad to be told that on the borders of Hungary and Rumania " ethnic Hungary over- flowed for twenty or thirty miles beyond political Hungary" One knows now, and the Magyars know too, what M. Brand meant when he said it would be necessary to cut deep into the living flesh of Hungary.

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