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This document displays the utmost goodwill but scant imagination. In manner it is colourless by the side of the Simon Report. It is already out of date, in view of the momentous......
News Of The Week
Towards an All-India Federation T HE most important aspect of the Government of India dispatch, which was published on Friday, November 14th, is its frank recognition of the......
A Travesty Of Disarmament
The ease for direct limitation of armaments has been allowed to go by default. British policy appears to us as wrong as it is ignominious. In view of the serious increase in......
On Three Occasions During The Past Month The Spectator Has
been sold out. Readers who wish to be certain of obtaining copies should therefore place their orders early with their newsagents, or write direct to the SPECTATOR, LTD., 99......
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Subscription to the SPECTATOR Coda Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. The Postage on this issue......
In His Opening Speech On Monday, Sir Tcj Bahadur Sapru
was both challenging and explicit. He made the point that it would be impossible to maintain any law and order worthy of the name so long as Indian political aspirations went......