In his opening speech on Monday, Sir Tcj Bahadur Sapru
was both challenging and explicit. He made the point that it would be impossible to maintain any law and order worthy of the name so long as Indian political aspirations went unsatisfied. The Maharajah of Bikanir folloWed with another outspoken appeal for Federation now. The way forward, he said, lay " not in the dead hand of an impossible uniformity, but in an associated diversity." Mr. Jayakar declared on behalf of the young men and women of his country that if India were given Dominion status the cry of " Independence " would fade out in a few months. Lord Peel on Tuesday repeated some traditional words of caution, but they belonged to a different context from All-India Federation. The preparations for the transfer of financial responsibility, suggested by Sir George Schuster, can now be considerably hastened, since an All-India Federation would offer a very much sounder basis for India's credit.
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