SIR,—Mr. E. T. Brown describes in his letter (Spectator, November
15) how a widow's weekly allowance from the Board was withdraWn when she left her owner-occupied house to live with relatives.
The value of an owner-occupied house is ignored in determining a person's need of help from the Board, but the capital value of any property not personally occupied would normally be taken into account. Whether an allowance could be paid in the latter case would depend among other things upon the market value of the property and whether it was readily saleable. If a person who has been living in her own house has to move out to live with relatives, assistance may then no longer be strictly payable, but it would be most unusual for the Board's allowance to be withdrawn immediately. • Without further details I am unable to comment on what is said in your correspondent's letter, but I am asking him to let me have particulars so that 1 can look into the case.
A. C. MAWR National Assistance Board, 6 S. Andrew Street, EC4
(Continued on page 666)