22 NOVEMBER 1963, page 15
% Lb Letters Below The Bread Line F. O'hanlon,
Mrs. R. Howard, A. C. Palmer Half an Oaf L. E. Weidberg Lawyers' Loot 'Another City Solicitor' Not Li nco l n William Squire 'Scrutiny' C. B. Cox. W. M. Tydentan Readings in......
Sir,—mr. E. T. Brown Describes In His Letter (spectator,...
15) how a widow's weekly allowance from the Board was withdraWn when she left her owner-occupied house to live with relatives. The value of an owner-occupied house is ignored in......
Sir, - 1 Am Very Glad That Mr. O'hanlon (hon. Secretary Of
the Old Age Non-Pensioners' Associa- tion), has shown up the injustices of the present system of pensions in his letter to the Spectator. I have two older sisters, whose......