The New Tycoon A new type of tycoon is appearing.
The latest example is forty-two-year-old Mr. Joe Hyman, head of the Viyella group that just made a £10 million bid for the Van Heusen shirt empire. 1 am told that Mr. Hyman is 'an out-and-out in- tellectual' and is known as 'The Professor.' Cer- tainly he is very far removed from the more traditional type of magnate. Most significant amongst his recent remarks is that he is anxious to attract into his concern the quality of person who has been going into the Foreign Office and the Treasury in the past. Mr. Hyman has a sense of mission about the British textile industry that has seen so many vicissitudes. He is sure it is 'a great growth industry.' It is becoming more and more apparent in the Second Industrial Revolu- tion that the art of tycoonery is being replaced by the science of management.