STOCK Excruaroa, Farnav AFTERNOON.
The state of inactivity which has so long characterized the Market for British securities, has, during the last week, to a great extent disappeared ; more real business has been transacted, and the fluctuations in values have been considerable. Console which on Saturday were last quoted 951 96, have during the week reached 961 961 ; while in India Scrip the rise, although not maintained, was still more marked; on Saturday the closing figure was 103, or 6 premium, and on Monday advanced to 1031. On Tuesday business was transacted at the highest price they have yet reached, 1041. Easiness of the Money Market combined with the announced signing of Peace at Zurich, contributed chiefly to effect the improvement, which has, however, been but temporary, both Console and India Scrip falling with as much and even greater rapidity than they rose. On Wednesday, the latter re. ceded to 1031, which 'rice was maintained yesterday, the Consol Market being firm in tone at 96 961. Today (Friday) Indian has been quoted as low as 1021 1021, and onsols receded to 951 96, mainly owing to Spanish news and sales for realization. The tone of the Market at the close is slightly firmer. Indian Scrip, 103 1031 ; Bank Stock, 222 224; and Consols 96 961. Money, although in greater demand, has not had any material effect in altering the rates. The Foreign Market has been exceedingly quiet all the week, and quo- tations will be found to have scarcely altered. Mexican has been heavy, and is now 22 221; Peruvian, 91 92 ; Peruvian Three per Cents, 70.71 ; Ditto, Uribarren, 83 84 ; Buenos Ayres, 78 80 ; Ditto, 191 201 ; Venezuela Three per Cents have risen to 28 29 ; Grenada Active, 17 18; Ditto, De- ferred Stock, 5 51 ; Chilian Six per Cents, 103 105 ; Ditto, Four-and-a- half per Cents, 88 90; Ditto, Three per Cents, 74 76; Turkish Six per Cents have not been dealt in to any extent, and are finally 7 791; Ditto, New, 671 681; Spanish Three per Cents remain 46 461; and Portuguese, 46 461 ; Sardinian, 86 87 ; Austrian, 75 77 ; Russian, 109 111; Victor Emmanuel, 90 92. bioney in this Market has been plentiful and at moderate rates.
In the Railway Share Market there has been more animation, and up to yesterday and today prices exhibited a considerable advance upon last week. In sympathy with the heaviness noticed in the English Market shares today are depressed, and with few exceptions will show a decline. Great Nor- thern, 103 104; Manchester, Sheffield, and Lincoln, 35 36; North Stafford, 41 4; South Eastern and Dover, 23 Great Western, 64/ 65 ; London
and North Western, 951 96 ; Midland, 1 ; 1061 ; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 971 97/ ; Caledonian, 451 461; London and Brighton, 113 114 ; Blackwall, 61 61 ; London and South-Western, 95196. At the close this afternoon there is littledisFosition to effect purchases, and the Marketassumes a heavy appear- ance. The French Market is dull, little satisfaction being felt with regard to Continental politics. Paris and Lyons, 35/ 361; Paris and Strasbourg, 261 271; Northern of France, 361 ; Lombardo-Venetian, 21. A rise in most descriptions of Indian Stock has occurred, the attention of the public being called to them by the high price of Scrip. East Indian, 101 102 ; Great Indian Peninsula, 97j 981; Bombay and Baroda, 94 95. there has been a large business doing in British Mining Shares, principally in the following dividend-paying mines :—Basset, East Basset, Clifford, Devon Consols, West Caradon, Providence, Margaret and Kelly Bray ; these are all in demand, and at improved values.