" The Sande Of Dee :" The Poetry By The
Reverend Charles Kingsley ; the music composed by M. W. Balfe. " Lore_sne little, lore me long ;" Song, by George Linley. The Reverend Mr. Kingsley's melancholy song has......
On the 10th of October, at Manor Place, Edinburgh, the Wife of Captain Robert Cathcart Dalrymple Bruce, Eighth (King's Own) Regiment, of a son. On the 12th, at 10, Chester......
Vivien's Song ; From Tennyson's "idylls Of The Bing."...
.by John Barnett. "As I sat beneath a Willow ;" Bong in the Old Style ; the words by the Rev. Anthony F. Thomson . composed by Frank-Romer. " Hy Friendly Harp ;" Camiura,......
Prices Current.
BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) Segued. Monday. Tuesday. Widnes. Thurs. Friday. per Cent Consols 96 961 961 961 96; 96 Ditto for Account 96 961 961 961 964 96} per Cents......
From The London Gazette, October 18. Bankrupts, — Jsmes...
Road, Brixton, upholsterer—DAvm Wn- LLAMs Humor and Joan Fox FARREIDoE, Cornhill, East India merchants—Fru:vas WILLIAM Risnoe Surrey Street, Strand, navy-agent—JEamnAn......