The manifesto of the League was immediately met by Government
with a decree for its suppression. On Thursday the Government announced that the League, by its recent pro- ceedings, had shown itself an " illegal and criminal association, intent on destroying the obligation of contracts and sub- verting law," and warning all persons to quit it, and all attend- ants at meetings in its support that they would be dispersed by force. The Government, moreover, pledged themselves " to employ all the powers and resources at our command to protect the Queen's subjects in Ireland in the free exercise of their lawful rights, and the peaceful pursuit of their lawful callings and occupations," to " enforce the fulfilment of all lawful obligations," and " to save the process of the law from hindrance or obstruction." As this proclamation will be followed up by the arrest of all persons continuing to belong to the Land League, that body can only continue to exist as a Secret Society, which may be formidable, but cannot ally itself with respect- able classes, or escape the permanent condemnation of Rome. The garrison of Ireland is being steadily increased, and now numbers, it is believed, 40,000 men, and the police have obviously received orders to defend themselves when attacked. Indeed, the careful precautions taken by Government form the gravest symptom of the condition of Ireland.