The Power Of Imitation In Dogs.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—The following anecdote may interest those of your readers who are accustomed to observe the characteristic actions of dogs. I can vouch......
Mr. Hardy's Vernacular.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.'l SIR,—Will you permit me to say a word in confirmation of Mr. Hardy's defence of himself, in your last week's issue, from the charge brought......
VOICES OF THE SEA. AGAIN I linger by the Langland shore, And listen to the music of the Sea, For some familiar voice to speak to me Out of the deep, sweet, sad harmonious roar ;......
Local Taxation.
[To THE EDITOR OF TEE " SPECTATOR."' Sra,—It is a matter of regret, as affecting his character for fair- ness, that Mr. Gladstone at Leeds should have spoken of the readjustment......
The Noise Of Niagara Falls.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.''] SIR,—In the review of Mr. Marshall's " Through America," in the Spectator of October 15th, yon notice that the author remarks that Niagara......
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—" Unconscious reading," to which you refer in your editorial note on Mr. Harper's letter, is, as you observe, the explanation of some......