Sir William Harcourt in an immensely long letter pub- lished
in the Times of Friday makes his position a little Clearer. After a long but unimportant criticism of the Primate's recent charge, he asserts that Dr. Temple acts Illegally in including consubstantiation among the autho- rised views of the Church, and demands that proceedings should be taken in ecclesiastical Courts to settle that question once for all. He further declares that the Archbishop in allowing full liberty of preaching has gone too far, and that any clergyman who teaches or defends "any other doctrine than that allowed by the Church" is guilty "of a violation of his honour as well as of the law." As the clergyman would reply that his teaching was in fall accord with the true mind of the Church, that violent expression has little meaning, while as regards the Eucharist Sir William Harcourt has a very simple remedy. Let him propose a revision by Parlia- ment of the 28th Article in the sense that he approves. He will probably shatter the Church, but he will be logical and honest.