The Scheme, However, For An Under-channel Tunnel Put...
Mr. James Barton, and lately ably advocated by you, rests on totally different grounds. If, as there are abundant reasons to believe, the rock between the proposed termini,......
Free Hand . National Greatness Has Declined," Writes Mr....
If " greatness " be taken, not in a spiritual and super- natural, but in a worldly and material sense, this may be true. Speaking broadly, it is no doubt the wealthy and......
Am, Sir, &c., B.
THE TUNNEL BET VirEEN ENGLAND AND IRELAND. [TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:] Sin,—As having for some thirteen years occupied the position of Chairman of the Irish Board of......
["two Bluejackets, Named Friday And Painter, Were...
boat at Weymouth. After a straggle to get into the waterlogged boat. Friday beat his comrade off, and Painter swam ashore. Friday got into the boat and was drowned."—Daily......
Footing.—i Am, Sir, &c., R. H. Sankey, October 1sth....
(Retired), R.E. [To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Mr. Baines's theory of a ship canal is no novelty bred at Bournemouth. You will see it proposed in a volume called......