SIR, —Knowing the warm interest that the Spectator has from the
first taken in miniature rifle shooting, I am tempted to send you the following striking instance of its value. Bugler W. Smith, aged fifteen, of the Watton Detach- ment, Volunteer Battalion Norfolk Regiment, having attended the course of shooting organised by the Wayland Miniature Rifle Club for lads of fifteen and upwards during the past summer, took part, with other members of the detachment, in the annual prize-firing competition, which was carried out on October 1st at the full-size range at Swaffham, with the Lee-Metford rifle. The distances were 200, 300, 400, and 500 yards. His score of 171 out of a possible 196 points included 27 bulls, 19 inners, and 3 outers. You will, I think, agree with me in considering this a most conclusive proof of how instruction and practice on a miniature rifle range lead up to good shooting at the longer ranges, and with the heavier Service rifle. I might mention that the rifle with which he learned is a Greener's, 297.230 bore.—I am, Sir, &c.,