The Beck Inquiry Commission Has Been Taking Evidence In...
during the past week. As was certain from the character of its members, the Commission is evidently going to probe the matter to the very bottom, and the whole truth will be......
One Has Always Been Taught To Believe That When An
accused man in England finds himself in such a position, the legal authorities do all they can to give him a fair chance of extri- cating himself. Instead, every avenue was......
Our Contemporary Bacchus—of The Existence Of Which We...
were in ignorance till yesterday—a monthly which describes itself as "in the interests of the licensed trade," has in its October issue a spirited full-page cartoon which is not......
It Was Announced On Friday That Among Those Who Have
lately joined the Unionist Free-Trade Club are the Duke of Devonshire, the Earl of Abingdon, the Earl of Lytton, Earl Morley, Earl Cowper, Viscount Peel, Viscount Goschen, Lord......
We May Note That The Same Issue Of Bacchus Shows
a picture of a diminutive country beerhouse, with the following words underneath :—" The above photograph of the Prince of Wales' beerhouse at Yalding is repro- duced by......
The Tariff Commission Have A Positive Passion For Anon-...
The names of their expert witnesses are generally concealed behind the letters of the alphabet, and Mr. Hewins, their chief official, has not yet seen fit to give his authority......
The Dean Of Westminster Presided Last Saturday At The Annual
meeting of the Church of England Sunday-School Institute and delivered a remarkable address on the Bible. The Book which they held in their hands as teachers had not changed,......
It Is With Great Regret That We Record The Untimely
death of Mr. Charles Furse, the well-known portrait painter, which took place at Frimley, in Surrey, on Monday. Mr. Purse was still a comparatively young man, his work had won......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.
Consols (2; per cent.) were on Friday 88g.......