The Spirit answered :- thee, Oft must a man defend War, and the men who toil In war, its fruit and spoil ?" Troubleth the folk and land ; I answered wise indeed :- " Of war I have no need, And while I hold my life Therefore shouldst thou ho To give myself to strife brave Will evermore refuse.
War bath no fame or use, In honour take thy stand. But is a heavy yoke Give thou thy body's blood, Alike on land and folk Strength, might, and wealth, On whom it doth alight, and good And them that lead the fight. Thy fatherland to save,
So say I war is vain, E'en as the ancients gave."
Mere punishment and pain, May peace and plenty wax,
From which should ever be Prays in Niirnberg HANS
Both Prince and people free." " Friend, Both self and soul from foe, Who laying honour low So man with trusty hand Shall right and justice save.
And gladly for thy land