This takes us a long way from Norwich where the
honorary secretary of the Norfolk Naturalists Trusts, Dr. Sydney Long, issues the Christmas cards from 31 Surrey Street. They cost 4d. each, or 4s. a dozen, plus 3d. a dozen for envelopes and 3d. a dozen for postage. The succession of sanctuaries that the' Trust has now established in perpetuity has 'no parallel elsewhere. They are differently organized. Alderfen, which the goldfinch is to free and finally acquire in perpetuity, is the most complete, not because its list of birds is peculiarly long, but because no shooting and no sort of disturbance more violent than the slow passage of the old punt is or will be -permitted. The nearest: thing to sport that some of us cxperieneed was a highly talented imitation of a fishing reel by that rather rare and very secretive bird the grasshopper warbler.
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