A Spectator's Notebook
T O a good many people one of the most interesting points about the new Life of Lord Oxford is some- thing that is not there. From beginning to end of the two substantial......
Things We Might Have Been Spared. This, Across Seven Columns
of the Daily Mail : " MR. ASQUITH'S FER- VENT LOVE REVEALED IN HIS LETTERS. TO HIS MARGOT " ; and the full-page advertisement, on the day of publication of the biography,......
The Swedish Protests Against The Green Pastures Are...
the United States the play is in its third year, and quite likely, I should judge, to maintain its popularity for ten years more in the -land which contains the fiercest......
The Case Of The Alleged Manifestation Of The Stigmata, Or
marks of the Cross, in the body of a girl in the Bavarian village of Konnersreuth sends me back to a little French volume I once picked up somewhere for sixpence, recording in......
I Asked Last Week Whether It Was Simply A Coincidence
that Mr. Lloyd George should have been addressing a meeting of the Peace Society just three hours before the Queen's Hall Liberal meeting, at which he was not invited to speak.......
I Am Interested In The Prime Minister's Studies In The
ethics of resignation, as unfolded to a National Labour audience on Monday. His Labour colleagues in August, 1931, " ran away " (the old cheap gibe, I suppose, will never die).......
The Effects Of The Depression Make Themselves Felt All Round
without discrimination. A good many people, in normal times as well as abnormal, often express interested curiosity as to how a paper like The Times fares finan- cially. I see......
A Conservative Friend Who Has Been Playing A Partof Some
prominence at Geneva in the past month after an absence of some years brings back what is rapidly becoming the general verdict, that " Sir John Simon is a public danger." The......